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Published on 12 Feb 2016 by Auctria

Fundraising Auction: Key Segments

Key Segments to Auction Fundraising:

3 steps to auction pre, auction, post487x.jpg

Segment 1: Pre-Auction phase consists of procurement, event planning and marketing. This is the time to plan the course of action.

Segment 2: Auction event phase consists of the auction event(s) online, silent or live, close out and collections.

Segment 3: Post Auction is a time for final reviews, thank you letters, retrospective review and outline for future auction success.

Getting the Team Started

Roles and tasks to help your team get started, organized by segment.

Segment 1: Pre-Auction phase: Roles and Duties


Guide the team and strategically plan the overall auction process. This person should be well organized with the abilities to both work and delegate at simultaneously.

Auction Team initial duties:

  • define goals and purpose
  • determine the form the auction take, exclusively online or will be on location with an event, live and/or silent
  • define target bidding audience for the auction
  • refine the auction target donors
  • map out the entire auction process with timelines then fill in the details

Event Coordinator & Operations (if applicable) for silent and/or live

This team puts it all together at the event working across all teams to present a unified event. Once the details of the event are established work the math backwards to define the event ticket pricing. Keep in mind when signing contracts that final headcounts are most likely required that RSVP and ticket sales timelines are adjusted accordingly.

  • choose date
  • choose venue
  • choose theme
  • choose food
  • choose entertainment/ music/ DJ
  • will there be a key note speaker or presentations?
  • choose emcee and/or live auctioneer
  • depending on venue decide its all inclusive or will you need to hire independently
  • consider tables, chairs, linens, tableware, servingware, drinks bar, bartender and service personnel include in the planning additional tables for silent auction
  • wifi access
  • space planning: consider quantity and size of auction items, emcee/ presentation area entertainment area
  • check-in & check out
  • day of event set-up

Procurement Team

This team is responsible for corresponding with donors and potential donors to secure donation items for the auction.

  • create procurement letter
  • send out or deliver procurement letters with plenty of lead time
  • secure donations
  • create timelines for procurement; larger corporate donations may take longer lead time vs local retail shops have local decision makers thus quicker turnaround
  • as donation are received track and price items
  • create all auction documents: bid sheets, display pages, gift certificates, bid catalog
  • follow-up on donation requests in a timely manner, send out thank you

Auction Data Integrity Team

This team may be a simple extension of the Procurement Team. Responsibilities include:

  • donor tracking
  • donation item tracking
  • consistent auction pricing for starting bid, bidding increments, & buy-it-now
  • ticket sales
  • bidder management and number assignments
  • if necessary customize stationery for post sales receipts to donors and bidder

Segment 2: Auction phase: Roles & Duties

Marketing Team

When the auction is ready to go public the team figuratively flips the switch from procurement to promotion & selling

  • event tickets
  • marketing online, silent and live auction
  • selling raffles if applicable
  • promote online catalog
  • raffles
  • bidder registration
  • bidder pre-event registration
  • online auction
  • market using social media services
Auction Team
  • bid sheets and a display page are furnished to advertise each item
  • clearly mark closing times for category or individual items
  • emcee announces last chance to bid on silent categories
  • close each category in a pre-determined fashion
  • record highest bidder information
  • sell raffle tickets and pull raffle ticket winners
  • conduct the live auction

Event non-auction Team

  • manage catering and overall timeline of the event
  • party set-up & break-down
  • pay all vendors and gratuities
  • celebrate the volunteers, donors and bidders

Segment 3: Post Auction: Roles & Duties

Close-Out duties

This team can be the same as the data integrity team. Close out the auction and manage collections swiftly.

  • online auction can be auto-closed and billed
  • close silent auction items systematically or by category for a smooth check-out
  • collections and financial reconciliations
  • distribute the auction goods
  • if there is an onsite event most goods and certificates should be distributed on location
  • thank you letters and receipts to donors
  • final receipts to bidders
  • final notes and critique should be completed shortly after the event to record best practices for subsequent events

Sounds simple, right? It truly is with Auctria by your side.

Auctria Features streamline it all

Teamwork and communication making for a smooth auction.

Segment 1: Pre-Auction phase Auctria Features

  • create the shell of the auction online and promote the event with pre-sales and event details
  • web based functionality means as data is input always live and current
    splitting the workload is a cinch
  • pre-auction procurement teams can track donors and potential donors and record progress
    as donations come simply +add-item to the donor because the basics are already in place.
  • pricing strategies can be pre-set across the entire auction or singularly defined.

Segment 2: Auction: Auctria Features

  • print bid-sheets and display pages directly from Auctria
  • closeout efficient for online, silent and live
  • integrates credit card processing for auto collections

Segment 3: Post Auction: Auctria Features

Post auction is streamlined as well because the data is already in the system. Simply print donor receipts and mail a thank you. Charities that thank the donors and bidder have a better chance that the donor and bidder support the charity in future endeavors.