Boost the Auction Fundraiser Income:
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Tips you can use right now!

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All are invited, Auctria webinars are FREE

Best practices and practical advice to help groups make more money with an auction fundraiser. 

We are pleased to feature professional auctioneer Stephen Kilbreath who will join us with his expert advice on choosing and using an auctioneer for the event. 
Stephen is a professional fundraising auctioneer, calling hundreds of auctions all across the country. 

He is recognized as a National Auctioneers Association Benefit Auctioneer Specialist. 

He will share some great stories too.
Agenda will include:
  • Purpose & expectations of running an auction fundraiser
  • Contrasting auction types
  • Adding in an hybrid components
  • Choosing & Using a professional auctioneer
  • Team roles, timelines & checklists
  • Promoting the auction
Webinar will be LIVE with open questions and answers to follow. 
Register now and Auctria will send you a friendly reminder to join us.